Pictures, videos, and musings on the lives and adventures of the Delp family
Saturday, May 16, 2009
My Sweet Kiddos
Maya smiles all the time, and I can't get enough of her sweet grins.
After his nap this afternoon, Sam and I both got a spoon and finished off a pint of Blue Bell. Sam wanted to make sure he got every last drop of the ice cream goodness - he's a boy after my own
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Community Garden
5:55 am. The alarm goes off. I haven’t set the alarm this early for work since my produce days at the supermarket! Ah, but this morning was a special morning. The Kimpson Park Community Garden in South Atlanta was finally getting off the ground, or maybe going in the ground is a better way of stating it! It was my job to go out and stake off the plots for our first volunteer group to come and help dig them out.
I am a morning person, so the idea of getting out and working the land while the sun comes up and the birds are singing is special to me. This time is a good time for me to connect with God. It is just a little different when you are doing that in middle of the city!! Who says you can’t farm in an urban neighborhood? It just helps to have the sun get your back (if you get the pun! I waited until about 6:20 to go out because it was still dark!).
A group of people in our community have gotten together to start a community garden in order to accomplish a few things: 1) provide fresh produce for our families and neighbors and 2) to help build relationships with neighbors . Both are equally important, and equally exciting. I have already met several people on the block that I did not know just by being out in the garden for less than 1 hour.
This has been a project that has been really exciting for me, and reminded me of the importance of passion! You have to be pretty passionate about something to get up before 6 am with a 3 month old and 2 year old, a time when sleep is seen as a most precious commodity. I have lived in my neighborhood for 8 years now, and feel really plugged in to stuff and really connected to the people and things that are happening in the neighborhood. However, I have never really found my thing, my niche. I think I have found that now. When I moved to the city, I knew I loved the outdoors. As I have lived here, I have grown to appreciate gardening. Now, I get the opportunity to share those passions with those that live closest to me, and that is extremely exciting.
Continuously I am amazed about how God uses our passions if we are open to His direction. When I moved to South Atlanta, I never would have imagined I would be starting a community garden, and yet, that is exactly what God has placed in front of me. And the beauty of it is that it has merged all of the things that I love about my neighborhood/life in South Atlanta: outdoors, gardening, community, walkability, and relationships.
I am really excited about the garden and it is getting started. However, we have found ourselves in need of some more funds due to the high cost of getting water hooked up at the park. Would you think about donating to the garden? If you would like follow the instructions below:
As part of the garden, we are going to have a "community plot" which anyone from the community can feel free to come and take vegetables from (we have members who pay, but we
have heard that this is a way of staving off vandalism). For any gift over $25, we will purchase a plant in your honor to put into the community plot for anyone to come and help themselves to.
Make Checks Payable to:
FCS Urban Ministries
Account #0113 in memo line
Mail to:
PO Box 17628
Atlanta, GA 30316
Or go to:
Click on Donate Now.
Give to FCS General
In the comment section, place Community Garden or Account #0113
Weekend Photos
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Here are pictures from the weekend. Katie and I have both been amazed and thankful by how sweet and wonderful our children are. I know that as parents you are supposed to love your children and think they are the best kids ever, but this past week, I can't help but to be just blown away by the love that I feel for Sam and Maya. This may be helped by the fact that Maya has slept throught he night for the past 5 nights (knock on wood). But is mostly because they are both great kids.
Sam has been so wonderful with Maya. He includes her in everything that he does. Last night Sam was playing with magnets on the fridge, and he took some over to Maya who was laying on her mat in the living room, just so she could have some too. Every morning, he needs to give Maya a hug and kiss when she wakes up. He loves it when "Maya gets Sam" or when "Sam gets Maya" - his version of tickling. I am continuously amazed at how Sam looks out for Maya and cares for her, even at such a young age. I can only hope that it continues!
Maya has been so sweet since she has been born. She is now staring at everyone and everything in the room. On Sunday, she didn't take her eyes off of Leroy during the entire sermon. I had her with me at a meeting today, and she stared at the other person the entire time. It is pretty funny. She is so close to rolling over, just one little push away from making it to her stomach. Unfortunately, she has picked up the habit of sucking her thumb, but Mom and Dad are on to her and trying to stop the habit from forming.
Life has just been really good with our family for the past few weeks. I am so thankful for it because both Katie and I were nervous about her going back to work. But since she has been back at work, things have been great, and we are just so thankful for the Lord taking care of us so well in this time of transition.
Okay, so that is all for my first proud parent blog post, I just wanted to share how thankful I am for God giving us such wonderful chidlren and how much they have enriched our lives and our family.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Strawberry Picking!
Here are some pictures of the strawberry picking, with more on Shutterfly .
Maya did not do any picking, but she approved of it for sure with her cuteness!
Sam and Jaelyn needed test the to make sure the berries were good before we picked them.
Jaelyn had a technique of putting her finger nails into the strawberries to pick them off. Needless to say, the juice is still there.
Sam going in for the "kill"
Sam very proud of his "catch"
The final product. Not bad for 30 minutes of picking!
And Sam and Jaelyn definitely approve!