Thursday, February 21, 2008

Snaggle Tooth

Sam's bottom teeth came in over five months ago. They are cute little teeth that his friend Owen calls Sam's "rabbit teeth". However, his top teeth have been a bit of an adventure. Last month his top right side tooth (I know they have a real name) popped through. His crooked smile has been really silly. Last week, Sam added two more teeth to his smile but they were on the other side of the tooth he already has leaving a big gap in the front. I was finally able to get some pictures of his toothy grin.

Sam has also figured out the camera. When he see me with the camera, he gives me these fake smiles - I love that crazy kid!


Susan Ponas said...

Sam, you are awesome. I just love that smile. And you are so photogentic.


adiaspeer said...

that's really funny!