Monday, March 3, 2008

Sam the Reader

Sam has a new found love for reading. He absolutely loves books. Whenever we are sitting on the floor with Sam, he goes and finds a book and brings it to us to read to him. Sometimes he tries to read them himself, but nothing but Sam sounds come out. Here are some pics of Sam reading on of his favorite books.


Speer Family said...

Sam--Can't wait until I'm in Atlanta and can read your favorite books to you....have them ready for me!!! Love you bunches, Grammy

Susan Ponas said...

Hello Sam I Am,---- you are getting so big, when you come up in March, we have plenty of books for you. So we will be reading alot.


Unknown said...

Ooh, it's about time for a new Hungry Caterpillar book for the Perkins. Ours has been over-loved by all three boys so far and I'm not sure it can take much love from a fourth kid.

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