Wednesday, April 9, 2008

First Hair Cut

Sam has had quite a bit of hair ever since the beginning, but recently it was getting a bit out of hand. He had grown a mullet and with his teeth coming in in random order, he was looking a bit more Georgian than we would have liked. Yet, I still couldn't bring myself to cut his hair - he just seemed too little for a haircut. An older neighbor friend told me I absolutely could not cut Sam's hair before his first birthday or he would stutter for life. While I didn't buy her theory, I did wait until after Sam's birthday. Saturday morning was Sam's first hair cut. Here are the before and after shots. Cosmetology will definitely not be a second career for me since I didn't do a very good job. Sam looks very grown up with his new do!

1 comment:

adiaspeer said...

"more Georgian then i would have liked" --OMG Katie that is so funny. nice cutting job!