Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Boys Trip to Florida

For the second year in a row, we have embarked on a Boy's trip to Florida!  This year, we were pleased to be joined by Shawn and Symeon!  Our hope is that this will become and annual tradition that we can look forward to each spring!

Some of the highlights of the trip include:

The "Cool" kids ready for the van ride!

One of the things Sam looked forward to the most: Fruit Loops!

Not every beach comes with a bouncy slide...

Let's just say the baseball game isn't high on the priority list for the under 34 crowd!!!

Wonderful views at the beach:

Night time activity of choice was searching for treasure with Iphone flashlights:

Sand castle making!

Sam was attempting to stop the waves with his squirt gun:

Good Friends... And Jon did ask if he could be Symeon's cousin after the trip was over.   Symeon agreed to this arrangement!!

And the highlight of the trip...A original score by Symeon Delp, accompanied by Jon Barber and Sam Delp.

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